Throwbacks and Stuff: “Back on the Farm Again”

So this is kind of cool.
When we were like 12, and going through yet another Country music stage, we snatched this album up out of the Walmart bargain bin; it’s an eleven track disk by a couple of then, up and comers and now, well, nobody’s called “The Thompson Brothers Band”  entitled “Blame it on the Dog.”

The CD was really not bad and actually pretty ahead of it’s time, it had some solid poppy up beats, some decent slow ones, anddd one clear stand out track; the former single, “Back on the Farm Again.”


So here’s where it get’s cool.  We were busy googling songwriters off of Miranda Lambert‘s latest album, Four the Record, when we stumbled upon a guy named Don Henry.  Don’s got all kinds of cuts, including but not limited to Miranda’s “All Kind of Kinds” andddd……  “Back on the Farm Again!”

So it’s really not all the cool or uncommon… at all… but we saw this video and had some major throwback and we just couldn’t not share about it.
So check this out!

P.S. The video is lame, we know.

P.P.S. These guys are no longer together.  They had  a 4 year stint with RCA that ended in 2000, word on the street though is that they’ve got some sort of folk/rock thing called “The Mass Acoustics” going on.

P.P.P.S This is a solid song, someone should consider cutting it; Blake Shelton, Easton Corbin, Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban?

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